Backup and Disaster Recovery

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Backup and Disaster Recovery

Business Continuity

When businesses experience downtime for any reason, whether it is an everyday disruption, such as a power outage or server failure, or a more extreme disaster, such as an earthquake or flood — they cannot conduct business as usual. When businesses can’t conduct business as usual, they lose money. Whether you need to take orders from clients, receive and reply to emails, access important data, etc. downtime can have a severe negative impact on the organization. A backup and disaster recovery solution ensures that businesses can quickly get back on their feet after a disaster, so they can keep on chugging along and avoid losing money due to extended downtime.

Cloud Backup

Information is one of your company’s most valuable assets. Our Premium Backup Solution securely stores the data you generate from servers, workstations, databases, enterprise applications, mobile devices, cloud application and virtual machines. All data is stored off-site in an encrypted cloud repository with fully customizable and speed optimized recovery times. We provide a premium scalable and fully compliant private cloud solution with the cost savings of a public solution. Additionally, our solution requires no onsite equipment and integrates all data-protection into a single management interface with 24/7/365 monitoring and alerting.